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Thursday, April 5, 2007

Schwartz's Manual of Surgery

Schwartz's Manual of Surgery
by F. Charles Brunicardi (Author), Anderson (Author), Timothy R. Billiar (Author), David L. Dunn (Author), John G. Hunter (Author), Raphael E. Pollock (Author)
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Format: PDF
Size: 1345 pages , packed 4.47Mb
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 8 edition (March 17, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071105182
ISBN-13: 978-0071105187

Book Description
Schwartz's Manual of Surgery has become the resource of choice for both practicing physicians, residents, and even surgical clerkship students who are interested in a comprehensive, yet concise on-the-job manual detailing the most current practices and trends.

This edition reflects the most extensive revisions ever with a greater focus on surgical techniques and a superb array of new visuals including more tables, charts, highlighted topics, radiologic images, and surgical procedures throughout

New to this edition: staging tables for cancer, anesthesia guidance, pre-and-postoperative management of the surgical patient, and much more

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