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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Obesity Management In Family Practice

[]  Obesity Management In Family Practice
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pass: 0387264213

pass: 0387264213

pass: 0387264213

Book Description
This book empowers the physician to effectively care for a chronic recurrent disease that until now has often gone untreated in the primary care setting. Most obesity treatment texts are written by obesity experts without family practice experience. This disconnect has resulted in books that have little feasible application for family physicians. Dr. McKnight�s text takes the current evidence-based science and transforms treating obesity into a practical, time-sensitive process that is supported by logical recommendations that every family physician can use to help obese patients. With guidelines backed by the best scientific data, the book is about application, not just theory. The reader is given the commonsense tools that patients need in order to have ownership of their disease. Ultimately, patients are empowered to control their weight, resulting in positive interaction between providers and patients.

Product Details
* Paperback: 140 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (November 17, 2005)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0387264213
* ISBN-13: 978-0387264219
* Format: PDF
* Size: 1.69 MB
* Price: $39.95

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Fundamentals Of Human Neuropsychology, 5th

[]  Fundamentals Of Human Neuropsychology, 5th
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Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology
5th edition
Worth Publishers | ISBN: 0716753006 | 2003 | 763 pages | PDF | 16.21 MB

Appropriate courses: Human Neuropsychology, Advanced Neuroscience, upper-level and graduate neuroscience courses. Note: This is NOT the same course as the undergraduate, introductory physiological psychology. Written by two top researchers in neuropsychology, Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology, Fifth Edition guides students on a comprehensive journey of discovery through the realm of contemporary human neuropsychology. It is a remarkable text that makes an extraordinary amount of recent scholarship accessible. Based on their extensive teaching experience, Kolb and Whishaw have taken steps to make this esoteric, complex, and often intimidating subject matter interesting, understandable, and applicable to students taking this course. Note: When Bryan Kolb and lan Whishaw wrote this book, it created the advanced neuropsychology course. This is the classic standard for the human neuropsychology course.



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Laboratory Hemostasis, Practical guide for pathologists

[]  Laboratory Hemostasis, Practical guide for pathologists
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Laboratory Hemostasis
by Sterling Bennett
Springer | 2007 Year | 038736838 ISBN | PDF | 256 pages | 1,7 Mb

Book Description:
Coagulation testing is the basis for the diagnosis of bleeding and thrombotic disorders, as well as the mainstay of anti-coagulant monitoring and management. The laboratory director requires significant expertise to manage the coagulation laboratory. This expertise includes the selection, validation and harmonization of analyzer/reagent combinations across health care organizations that often include physician offices, point of care testing, hospital laboratories and shared core laboratories.

Pathologists are often responsible for managing a healthcare system�s coagulation testing, yet the basics of managing a coagulation laboratory are inadequately addressed in many, if not most, pathology residency training programs. In addition, there is no textbook to which residents or practicing pathologists can refer for assistance. The same can be said for medical technologists or non-pathologist clinicians who find themselves in charge of a coagulation laboratory.

This handbook will address the need among practicing pathologists, laboratory supervisors/managers, pathology trainees and clinicians for a straightforward reference for managing a hemostasis laboratory and coordinating testing across multiple locations and technologies. The handbook format will allow quick reference to specific topics and be useful for answering specific questions or for Board exam review. The full spectrum of coagulation testing, basics of methodology and instrumentation, and the responsibilities of the laboratory director will be covered.

DL -


It's writen "for pathologists" but i can't completely agree with that. dry.gif

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Aesthetic Surgery of the Abdominal Wall

Aesthetic Surgery of the Abdominal Wall

Hardcover: 240 pages
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (May 24, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3540211578
ISBN-13: 978-3540211570
Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 7.5 x 0.7 inches
File type: RAR'd PDF


Pass: oriexm

Book Description
This book provides complete coverage of the treatment of aesthetic problems of the abdominal wall, with contributions from noted authorities in the field of cosmetic surgery and its techniques. Emphasis is placed on the variety of techniques used for liposuction of the abdominal wall and abdominoplasty. There are chapters on anesthesia including tumescent local anesthesia, sedation, and general anesthesia, on the avoidance and treatment of complications of abdominoplasty and liposuction, and on medical legal aspects of the surgery. Both novice and experienced abdominal wall surgeons will find the book an invaluable aid in learning the proper techniques for performing aesthetic surgery on the abdominal wall by understanding the techniques and pitfalls of the procedures and their complications.
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- - - - - -
Nice start! Good rip! up.gif
Please don't post covers from amazon! (upload'em to a hosting site)

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Color Atlas Of Gross Placental Pathology

[]  Color Atlas Of Gross Placental Pathology

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pass: 3H038733842X

pass: 3H038733842X

pass: 3H038733842X

Book Description
This atlas is designed to aid in the careful and thorough gross examination of the placenta by providing an illustrated manual of examination that includes normal variations, abnormal findings, as well as unusual pathology. With 186 illustrations, 154 in color, this atlas contains a wealth of important information for pathologists examining the placenta. The book is highly recommended for all those engaged in pathologic examination of the placenta. The text is concise, and the book provides a rapid reference for pathologists.

Written for:
Pathologists, pathology fellows and residents, pathology assistants, obstetricians/gynecologists

Product Details
# Hardcover: 138 pages
# Publisher: Springer; 2 edition (2007)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 038733842X
# ISBN-13: 978-038733842
# Format: PDF
# Size: 13.3 MB
# Price: $126.65

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Apoptosis And Its Relevance To Autoimmunity

[]  Apoptosis And Its Relevance To Autoimmunity
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Apoptosis and Its Relevance to Autoimmunity
by Keith B. Elkon (Editor), A.N. Theofilopoulos (Editor)

Product details
* Hardcover: 210 pages
* Publisher: S Karger AG (31 Dec 2005)
* Language English
* ISBN-10: 3805580363
* ISBN-13: 978-3805580366

Over the last 15 years, apoptosis has become a dominant focus of medical research in the field of immunology. This publication discusses the three major areas of apoptosis research: extrinsic death receptor pathways, intrinsic cell death pathways and the mechanisms responsible for apoptotic cell clearance. Each section delineates the proteins and signal transduction pathways and describes genetic alterations that lead to autoimmune diseases. Although most cell death abnormalities have been associated with systemic autoimmune disorders such as lupus erythematosus and lymphoproliferative syndromes, it is evident that regulation of cell death is also pertinent to disease expression in many organ-specific diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and glomerulonephritis. This volume highlights the recent advances in the basic mechanisms of apoptosis and the application of that knowledge to understanding the impact of defective apoptosis or defective clearance of apoptotic cells.

2523 KB pdf in rar

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Chirurgie Vasculaire, Techniques Chirurgicales

[]  Chirurgie Vasculaire, Techniques Chirurgicales
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Le traité de techniques en chirurgie vasculaire a l'ambition d'être l'ouvrage de référence en langue française de la spécialité.
Le conseil éditorial donne les orientations et choisit les thèmes. Les auteurs sont sélectionnés sur leur compétence et avec éclectisme. Les articles sont validés par un comité de lecture. Un soin particulier est apporté à l'illustration.
L'ouvrage est mis à jour chaque trimestre afin d'offrir l'information scientifique indispensable au chirurgien en cours de formation comme au spécialiste confirmé. L'accent a ainsi été mis récemment sur les techniques de chirurgie endovasculaire.

ISSN : 0246-0459
1326 pages
22 Mo


pass: il n'y a pas de mot de passe les amis


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Updates In Diagnostic Pathology, Springer 2005

[]  Updates In Diagnostic Pathology, Springer 2005
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Updates in Diagnostic Pathology
(Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)
by David C. Chhieng, Gene P. Siegal (Editors)
Hardcover: 200 pages
Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 16, 2005)
ISBN-10: 0387253572
ISBN-13: 978-0387253572

Book Description
Updates in Pathology provides pathologists, immunologists and pathologists/immunologists-in-training with a current view of basic pathology and immunology and its subdivisions, as well as topics in basic science, research and technology associated with pathology and immunology on all levels. Also discussed are the most recent advances in mechanisms of disease, new procedures and techniques of diagnostic pathology and immunology, and advancements and changes that have occurred in the last decade.

PDF 15 Mb with bookmarks and page l!nks in Contents and Index ; RAR 12.5 Mb
pass: UPIDIP.rar__tF

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Grabb And Smith's Plastic Surgery, 6th Edition, 2006

[]  Grabb And Smith's Plastic Surgery, 6th Edition, 2006
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Grabb and Smith's Plastic Surgery
By Charles H Thorne, Scott P Bartlett, Robert W Beasley, Sherrell J Aston, Geoffrey C Gurtner,

Book Description
Thoroughly revised for its Sixth Edition, Grabb and Smith's Plastic Surgery is the only comprehensive single-volume reference on the full range of aesthetic and reconstructive procedures in plastic surgery. Featuring over 1,900 photographs and drawings, this world-renowned reference guides you through virtually every aesthetic and reconstructive surgical challenge, including implants; craniosynostosis syndromes; rhinoplasty; soft tissue and skeletal injuries; tendon transfer; and wound care.
This edition features the latest clinical recommendations and procedures, including breast prosthetics, tissue expansion, flexor tendon surgery, reconstruction of the auricle and otoplasty, correction of ptosis and canthoplasty, and face lifts.
A bonus DVD-ROM provides fast access to full text and color images from the book and guides you through new, recommended endoscopic techniques, laser procedures, and microsurgery options.

Book Info
New York Univ., NYC. Comprehensive textbook for students, residents, and practitioners covering the entire field. Halftone illustrations. Previous edition: Plastic Surgery, edited by James W. Smith (c1991). 141 contributors, 134 U.S. DNLM: Surgery, Plastic. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Product Details

* Hardcover: 960 pages
* Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1.00 edition (December 1, 2006)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0781746981
* ISBN-13: 978-0781746984
* Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.7 x 1.6 inches

PDF, 45Mb

This post has been edited by sherlock007 on Jun 7 2007, 02:08 AM

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Trauma In The Emergency Services, 'In the Line of Fire'

[]  Trauma In The Emergency Services, 'In the Line of Fire'
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In the Line of Fire: Trauma in the Emergency Services
By Cheryl Regehr, Ted Bober

Book Description
This much-needed new book, based on the authors' original research and clinical experience, describes the consequences of trauma exposure on police officers, fire fighters, and paramedics. Weaving data collected in large-scale quantitative studies with the personal stories of responders shared in qualitative interviews, this much-needed account explores the personal, organizational, and societal factors that can ameliorate or exacerbate traumatic response. Stress theory, organizational theory, crisis theory, and trauma theory provide a framework for understanding trauma responses and guiding intervention strategies. Using an ecological perspective, the authors explore interventions spanning prevention, disaster response, and follow-up, on individual, family, group, organizational, and community levels. They provide specific suggestions for planning intervention programs, developing trauma response teams, training emergency service responders and mental health professionals, and evaluating the effectiveness of services provided. Disaster, whether large-scale or small, underscores our ongoing vulnerability and the crucial need for response plans that address the health and well being of those who confront disaster on a daily basis. In the Line of Fire speaks directly to these emergency response workers as well as to the mental health professionals who provide them with services, the administrators who support their efforts, and the family members who wonder if their loved one will return home safely from work tonight.

Product Details

* Hardcover: 288 pages
* Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (December 8, 2004)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0195165020
* ISBN-13: 978-0195165029
* Product Dimensions: 9.7 x 6.2 x 0.9 inches

PDF, 3.65Mb


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Burn Care

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Burn Care

This handbook summarizes staff practices in burn care and is intended to be a practice guide for the care of burn patients. It contains chapters on resuscitation and transport, wound care, operative techniques, critical care issues, and care of special burns, among others. This book should be used primarily by newcomers to the field of burn care as a basis for their experience with these often challenging patients.

Table of contents
General Considerations
Pre-Hospital Care and Emergency Management of Burn Victims
Assessment, Operative Planning and Surgery for Burn Wound Closure
Anesthesia for Burned Patients
Nutrition in Burn Patients
Infections in Burns
Multiple Organ Failure
Inhalation Injury
Nonthermal Burns
Burn Reconstruction
Daily Work

Book details:
Author: Steven E. Wolf
Size: 844 KB
Format: pdf



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Cardiac Pacemakers and Defibrillators

Cardiac Pacemakers and Defibrillators
Second Edition

Author:Charles J. Love
Publisher: LandesBioscience
Size: 7,609 MB
Format: pdf

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This book is intended for the physician, nurse, student or technician who occasionally comes in contact with patients who have implanted heart rhythm control devices. It is meant as a reference and basic resource to provide quick explanations and answers to situations that are likely to be encountered relating to pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators. The terminology and language unique to the professionals who deal with these devices is explained and examples of basic and advanced pacemaker function are covered. Figures are used extensively to show examples of normal and abnormal device function. Common malfunctions are described and an approach to the diagnosis and remedy of these problems is presented. The indications for the use of pacemakers and defibrillators are discussed as well as the contraindications. Surgical issues and patient concerns are covered. The rationale for follow-up and the follow-up procedures for these devices are explained.

Table of contents
1. NBG Codes for Permanent Pacing
2. Basic Concepts of Pacing
3. Basic Single Chamber Pacing
4. Dual Chamber Pacing
5. Upper Rate Behavior in Dual Chamber Pacing
6. Sensor Driven Pacing
7. Advanced Pacemaker Features
8. Indications for Permanent Pacemaker Implantation
9. Follow-Up of Permanent Pacemakers
10. Preoperative, Operative and Postoperative Considerations
11. Evaluation of Pacemaker Malfunction
12. NBD Code for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
13. Basic Concepts of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
14. Indications for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
15. Preoperative, Operative and Postoperative Considerations for Implantable
Cardioverter Defibrillators
16. Evaluation of Defibrillator Malfunction
17. Follow-Up of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
18. Biventricular Pacemakers and Defibrillators



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Robert V. Stick, «Carbohydrates: The Sweet Molecules of Life

Robert V. Stick, «Carbohydrates: The Sweet Molecules of Life»
Academic Press | ISBN: 0126709602 | 2001-03-15 | 256 pages | PDF | 9 Mb
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This book is on carbohydrates-the essential molecules that give you energy. They are the building blocks of life. This book delivers up-to-date coverage on all aspects of carbohydrate chemistry. The molecules are sometimes sugars, i.e. "sweet," hence the subtitle "The Sweet Molecules of Life."

Carbohydrates first gives the "nuts and bolts" of carbohydrate chemistry, enabling the reader to appreciate the subsequent chapters on protecting groups and the reactions of monosaccharides. (The protecting groups do just that-they are put on the molecules as a temporary measure during one or more reactions to stop the wrong bit of the molecule being changed during that reaction.)

* Introduces the basic chemistry of carbohydrates
* Describes the concepts, protecting groups, and reactions of carbohydrates
* Includes all aspects of the synthesis of the glycosidic linkage
* Gives an introduction to glycobiology and vaccines
* Includes references to carbohydrate literature
Thanks to the original uploader!


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